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Peer-mentor Grant

up to $1000 per student per semester

This grant supports faculty hiring a peer-mentor student leader to assist with their service-learning program taught that AY. Peer mentors are expected to meet with our office twice in the semester: once at the beginning of the semester for training, and once at the end for reflection.

Note: If you have requested a student scholar as part of a Program Grant Application, please do not apply for a Student Scholar Grant. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible.

Please submit the following information in your application:


  • Course and Program Title this grant supports
  • Semester(s) you will teach course & need a peer-mentor
  • Community Partner Name
  • Have you ever received funding from VT Engage? If so, when?
  • Do you have other sources of funding for this project? If so, please list.

Student Information (Note that student leaders must be current and enrolled VT students in the semester they serve as your leader)

  • Student Name (if you don’t know, write “not known yet”)
  • Student Email Address
  • Agreement that if awarded this grant, student scholar will attend two workshops in the semester that the course is taught.


  • Project Description (500-word max)
  • Project Goals (500-word max)
  • Project Needs (500-word max)
  • Description of student work/ duties (500-word max)
  • Potential for student and community benefit (500-word max)
  • Complete attached detailed budget